Everyone has a position or a platform of leadership. Maybe your a leader in your home or at work but the truth is you are a leader and have influence somewhere.I have met so many men and women who think that leadership is only for some chosen elite and that they are "not gifted in that area" I have also noticed that the best leaders are the ones who don't think they got what it takes, when really they have the hardest parts figured out already. For some reason leaders have been able to slip through the cracks because of their skill and the important stuff gets sidelined and even overlooked. For instance as a musician/worship leader I would get asked to do a lot based on my skill as a guitar player and singer rather than the things that really mattered like compassion and character. There came a time in my life when I had to simply stop honing my skills and relearn having compassion for people and living with character. Walking down this road I have discovered there are two different kinds of leaders, dictators and servants. Lets get over ourselves and start washing some feet.